Sunny Love
Sunny Love
Elegant Peach Rose and Yellow Ranunculus Bouquet by Lily's Bloom Boutique.
The bouquet is a lush and vibrant arrangement, primarily consisting of large, peach-colored roses that exude warmth and elegance. Interspersed among them are delicate cream roses and sprightly yellow ranunculus, which add a pop of cheerful color. Accents of white stock flowers contribute a touch of classic beauty and texture, while the greenery interspersed throughout lends a fresh, natural feel. This bouquet would convey a message of joy and sophistication, perfect for a variety of occasions from weddings to heartfelt gifts.
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Flower Care Tips
Flower Care Tips
If the arrangement comes in a Basket or Flower Box or other container with a floral foam:
Add some water every 2-3 days. Floral foam retains water and keeps the stems of the flowers hydrated while in the arrangement. Fresh cut flowers need fresh and plenty of water to stay fresh and vibrant. The key to long-lasting flowers in a floral arrangement is to make sure the foam stays moist.