Red Roses Bouquet
Red Roses Bouquet
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The Very Classic Way to show your Love is Red Roses Bouquet! You already won her heart! We use only premium red roses from 70cm to 140cm.
Lily’s Bloom Boutique is a top flower shop in Boca Raton. We get our fresh flowers from top rated farms in Europe, Columbia and Ecuador. Our team of talented designers who turn fresh flowers into beautiful flower bouquets for any occasion like woman’s day flowers, Mother’s Day flowers or Thank you flowers. Red Roses Bouquet is a classic nowadays. We provide same day flower delivery in Palm Beach and Broward counties to make sure you will get high quality flower arrangements.
P.S.: this is 100 roses bouquet on a pic!
Same day delivery. Or you can select a date in the "Delivery Or Pickup Date" field. Moreover, you can provide delivery instractions later.
Flower Care Tips
Flower Care Tips
If the arrangement comes in a Basket or Flower Box or other container with a floral foam:
Add some water every 2-3 days. Floral foam retains water and keeps the stems of the flowers hydrated while in the arrangement. Fresh cut flowers need fresh and plenty of water to stay fresh and vibrant. The key to long-lasting flowers in a floral arrangement is to make sure the foam stays moist.